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Medical ozone (O3) is best described as a natural therapy that stimulates and stabilizes instead of suppressing biological functions.

Does my pet need this?

Although modern medicine has greatly benefited both human and animal life, there are also ways in which it has greatly hampered overall health. There is more to healing than just prescribing medicine or cutting things out. Often medicines only mask symptoms and do little to treat the root causes. O3 works with the immune system, stimulating the body to “heal itself”, which is truly the ultimate and only real way to healing.

What is the purpose of using ozone?

  • As an antibiotic effective against viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites.
  • As an anti-inflammatory agent to promote healing in orthopedic conditions and autoimmune diseases.
  • To stimulate the immune system and to boost immunity.
  • To improve blood circulation, as more oxygen travels to your cells, tissues, and organs.
  • As prevention to protect from invaders like bacteria, viruses and fungi by halting their growth and reducing their survival.
  • Better oxygen utilization
  • Mitochondrial Stimulation
  • Pain Management

How is ozone given?

  • Rectally in a gaseous form that is done within the matter of minutes.
  • Intravenously - Blood is taken out of the body and then mixed with ozone to be re-administered to the patient. Generally higher amounts of ozone can be delivered in this manner.
  • There is topical ozone that is administered directly to the skin of the body.

What is ozone and how does it work?

Ozone is a gas that has 3 oxygen molecules that are bound together to supercharge our mitochondrial function. Once the oxygen has entered the mitochondria it enters the TCA (the citric acid) or Kreb’s cycle. The oxygen that is delivered donates an oxygen molecule to NADH to create NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and OH- (Hydrogen peroxide).

There are 700 NAD+ needed to perform a cycle. Hydrogen peroxide is useful in our body for killing viruses, bacteria and yeast.

Mitochondria are kind of like an engine to the car and without gas it doesn’t run. Giving the mitochondria oxygen makes the engine fire up and starts working.

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